Solmove wins the Berlin climate protection award 2018

Solmove’s solar cycle path in Berlin’s Gleisdreieck Park won the “Promising Innovative Planning” – Climate Protection Partner of the Year Award 2018.

Vattenfall Head of Heating Gunther Müller praised the company in its laudation: “We must understand the energy transition as a holistic task – change in electricity, heat and transport. Solmove’s solar roads concept show how this can work. ”

The alliance “Climate Protection Partner Berlin” is an association of the Berlin Chamber of Architects, Berlin Chamber of Construction, BBU Association Berlin-Brandenburg housing company e.V., Handwerkskammer. der Kategorie "Erfolgversprechende innovative Planungen" im Wettbewerb "Klimaschutzpartner des Jahres" ging an die SOLMOVE GmbH mit dem Projekt eines Solarradwegs im Gleisdreieckpark. © Wunderbare Tage - Ines Meier Fotografie

Solarstreets: A new solar solution for Piccard

Solmove is now part of the Solar Impulse Foundation. Solmove  showed Pioneer Bertrand Piccard the potential of solar streets at a construction conference, the Aeschlimann AG, in Switzerland. Founder Donald Müller-Judex was proud to explain the advantages of solar roads to the aviation pioneer and climate protector.DMJ 20180426 6 Bertrand Piccard klein